Welcome to the OAPSE Home page!
For information about OAPSE contact
Ray Purdin
9373933485 ext 1441
Email: rpurdin@hillsboro-indians.org
Welcome to the OAPSE Home page. The union is here to make sure that we are all represented to the best of our ability. So, if you ever have a problem, question or concern about your job, your rights, or unfair labor practices, together we will take the steps necessary to help solve your problem. If you are not a member I would like to talk to you about the advantages of being in the Union.
Our meetings are generally the second Tuesday of the month at 5:00, with a One Call in advance to remind everyone. Please keep us updated with phone numbers.
Union members and family members qualify for a FREE Associates Degree online, you now qualify for a Bachelors Degree at no cost in the same area as your Associates Degree! There are more college options this year which I will update on this page later. It is a very good time to be in the Union, when you are offered TWO degrees for yourself and/or your family members! As more people struggle to send their children to college, we offer free online to Eastern Gateway Community College for Associates Degree or Central State University for your Bachelors degree! Your family doesn't even have to live with you or be your dependent. Go to OAPSEeducation.org or call 1-888-897-9671 for more information.
Please don't forget that this year is negotiation year. Last year we agreed to a 3% raise not to negotiate. Go over your contract to see if you have any concerns or see anything that needs changed. This is YOUR Union! Please feel free to come to any Officer or Representative at any time.
Your Oapse Officers are:
President-Ray Purdin rpurdin@hillsboro-indians.org 937-393-3485 ext 1441
Vice President-Debra Brinson Dbrinson@hillsboro-indians.org, 937-393-4471 Bus Garage, Cell 937-402-9853
Treasurer- Dawn Sarver Dsarver@hillsboro-indians.org, busdrivermom00@yahoo.com, 937-393-4471 Bus Garage, Cell phone 937-402-9065
Secretary- Rachael Brath Rbrath@hillsboro-indians.org, 937-763-2153
Representatives are:
High school / Middle school Representatives Ray Purdin and Sherry Walker
Elementary Representatives Barb Goode, Tamara Reed
Bus garage Representatives Dawn Sarver, Debra Brinson, Jason Young
For a copy of the OAPSE contract click here.