LPDC Home Page
For LPDC forms click here.
Hillsboro City Schools Mission Statement
We provide a well-rounded experience that prepares each student to be successful in life.
The Local Professional Development Committee recognizes that society, schools, and students are ever changing and therefore, professional educators must be life-long learners themselves. Our mission is to strengthen the professional development of educators to assure that all students attain high levels of academic achievement.
LPDC Members
Local committee members are:
Diane Michael dmichael@hillsboro-indians.
Ben Miller bmiller@hillsboro-indians.org
Carrie Gast carriegast@hillsboro-indians.org
Heather Murphy hmurphy@hillsboro-indians.org
Matt Sexton msexton@hillsboro-indians.org
AT 3:45 PM All meetings are scheduled in the Hillsboro Elementary Main Conference Room unless otherwise noted.
Renewal Cycle
- Submit IPDP immediately following issuance of certificate/license.
- Refer to handbook regarding CEUs.
- Obtain prior approval from the LPDC committee for Group 4 activities (Appendix 10).
- Begin your professional development activity log after approval of your IPDP.
- Keep the activity log (Appendix 9)
- Maintain all certificates of attendance, transcripts, verification forms, etc. for future reference.
- Send applications and related materials for renewal or transition to LPDC Chairperson as soon as possible after January 1 of the year your current certificate/license expires.
- State application is available from the Director of Personnel or ODE on line.
- Verification of activities for Group 3 & 4 Activities (use Appendix 11).
- Certificates of Attendance
- Official Transcripts
- ODE Fee: Check or money order payable to treasurer, State of Ohio
- Application will be reviewed at the next LPDC meeting and sent to ODE if approved.
- Expect ODE to issue license in approximately 4-6 weeks. However, there can be delays for various reasons.
- Go back to Step # 1 as soon as you receive your new license.