HEA Home Page
Hillsboro Education Association
HEA Contract
Hillsboro City Schools (c/o Cody Mathews)
Hillsboro High School
550 US 62 S
Hillsboro, OH 45133
Welcome to YOUR current HEA page!
We will try to keep this page updated with current news, with information posted either monthly or as important events happen. Please check frequently and let us know if there is anything you feel needs to be added or changed. And, submit your news, information, and ideas to be included…it’s YOUR organization!
Here you will find the following:
1) IMPORTANT NEWS – check this first for news items, information, and articles from members.
2) CURRENT CALENDAR – meetings, events, important dates.
3) FEEDBACK – items that HEA needs you to read and add your input
4) CONTACTS – how to reach specific people you may want to contact.
5) MEET YOUR REPRESENTATIVES – short bios of your representatives.
Another important piece of the HEA web site is an online copy of the current contract. You can view the current contract by clicking the link at the top of this page.
If you have questions or concerns about anything in your classroom, your building, or in the district, please contact your building representative. They are listed at the bottom of this page. You may also contact any of the executive committee, (the current HEA officers), for help. I can be reached through email (cmathews@hillsboro-indians.org), messages left at the school (393-3485 x 1505), or personal phone (937-3485 x 1505). Texts or calls suffice.
In unity,
Cody Mathews
HEA President
Executive Committee:
President: Cody Mathews – cmathews@hillsboro-indians.org – Room/Extension 1505
Vice President: Nathan Horne – nhorne@hillsboro-indians.org – Room/Extension 1558
Treasurer: Amy Vance – avance@hillsboro-indians.org – Room/Extension 5434
Secretary: Kellie Yochum – kyochum@hillsboro-indians.org – Room/Extension 5442
Building Representatives:
K-1 Pod:
2-3 Pod: Heather Murphy – hmurphy@hillsboro-indians.org – Room/Extension
4-5 Pod:
Middle School: Sarah Albert – salbert@hillsboro-indians.org – Room/Extension 1113
High School: Kirstin Easterling – keasterling@hillsboro-indians.org – Room/Extension 1531